The world's fastest
way to work.

Autopilot keeps your workflows running and your people focused.

Streamline every department

Briq transforms every department in your business. We organize our AI capabilities into AutoPilot modules that target every function in every department, and allows you to deploy automations at your pace.
AI workers for


Use digital workers to automate core accounting functions like accounts payable, accounts receivable, credit card management, financial planning and analysis, and more.
AP AutoPilot
Spend AutoPilot
Billings AutoPilot
AI workers for


Use digital workers to assist in project planning, project execution, and project reporting workflows. This includes automated document and drawings management.
Project Management AutoPilot
Job Cost AutoPilot
Drawings AutoPilot
AI workers for

Risk Management

Use digital workers to streamline the workflows that protect your business, including compliance, employee management, anomaly detection.
Business Development AutoPilot
Forecasting AutoPilot
Analytics AutoPilot
AI workers for


Use digital workers to streamline the workflows that protect your business, including compliance, employee management, anomaly detection.
Risk Management AutoPilot
People AutoPilot
Analytics AutoPilot

For Finance

Automations for core financial and accounting processes
Automates the accounts payable workflow, handling invoice capture, approval workflows, and payment processing to reduce manual effort and errors.


Invoice receipt and data extraction
Invoice matching to purchase orders (PO)
Automated data entry into accounting system
Automates Credit Card and Purchase Order management, ensuring efficient tracking, reconciliation, and approval processes.


Automated tracking and categorization of credit card transactions
Vendor identification and classification for spending patterns
Automated data entry into accounting system
Automates the Accounts Receivable process, including invoicing, payment collection, and tracking, providing full visibility into cash flow.


Automated invoice generation based on contract terms
Payment reconciliation and matching
AR aging reports and collection tracking

For Operations

Automations for executing core operational processes
Automates the entire Project Initiation lifecycle.


Job setup across multiple systems
Automated estimate to budget automations
Automated Change Order Workflows
Automates risk, legal, and compliance workflows.


Certificate of Insurance (COI) receipt and validation
Automated COI compliance checks
Automated alerts for non-compliant vendors
Automates the creation and distribution of PM Status Reports and streamlines other project management workflows.


Automated data entry for owner systems (RFIs, submittals, change orders, etc.)
Submittal management and review workflows
Automated document sharing and collaboration

For Risk Management

Automations that protect your business
Automates risk, legal, and compliance workflows.


Certificate of Insurance (COI) receipt and validation
Automated COI compliance checks
Automated alerts for non-compliant vendors
Handles workforce and HR automation.


Employee onboarding and offboarding automation
Automated timecard submission and approval workflows
Payroll data processing and reporting

For Executives

AutoPilot automates those tasks in your business that are highly repetitive, and brings humans into the loop only when absolutely necessary.
Automates processes around identifying, pursuing, and winning more work.


Automates revenue forecasting based on opportunity pipelines
Scrapes the internet for lead generation
Scores and ranks leads based on potential value
Allows you to use predictive analytics to forecast revenue, cashflow, and labor.


Real-time project financial forecasting
Tracks project costs, revenue, and profitability
Automates risk assessment for ongoing projects
A powerful module that transforms raw, unstructured data into PowerBI dashboards or Excel files—effectively serving as a virtual BI Analyst.


Data extraction and report building from multiple systems (financial, project, HR)
Real-time dashboard generation
Automated KPI monitoring and reporting

Numbers talk

Briq is the leader in automations for critical industries


Automations minutes performed every month


instant ROI of two full-time employees

19 yrs

Total human years saved
AutoPilot automates those tasks in your business that are highly repetitive, and brings humans into the loop only when absolutely necessary.

An autopilot for every step
of your business process

Automatic assistance. Autopilot keeps your company moving and workflows running.
Talk to us

Work Smarter.

Join the companies that made their lives easier with Briq.
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