Digital workers integrate today’s most innovative AI technologies to mirror core human workplace capabilities, functioning as intelligent assistants that complement and enhance our natural abilities.
The abilities of a modern office worker can be replicated using AI technologies like computer vision, automation, machine learning, and predictive analytics. This means digital workers– like their human counterparts– can read documents like PDFs, Excel files, and even software screens. They can click buttons, input text into fields, download reports, and copy and paste data from one place to another. They can be taught to follow rules, and based on previous patterns in those rules, can detect when things don’t look right. They can even begin to predict what task should be done next in a process.
The possibilities of the digital worker are endless. The limits are in the imagination of the human and our creative approaches to how, when, and where to use them. At Briq, although we specialize in helping deploy these digital workers for a set of defined industries and workflows, no digital worker is ever truly the same. The beauty of an AI-powered digital worker– like any tool– is in the creative ability of the human to use it well.
Behind the scenes of a digital worker
We created an army of digital workers that work alongside humans to unlock their creativity.
Future Positive
At Briq, we envision a future where technology elevates human potential, not replaces it. Our mission is to transform the workplace by seamlessly blending human ingenuity with AI capabilities and to create space for what makes us uniquely human: our creativity, insight, and ability to drive meaningful change.
The Rules and Recommendation Engine is the digital worker's brain, where advanced AI meets real-time decision-making. Built on LAM (Logic Application Model) frameworks, this core processes complex data sets and automates workflows based on pre-programmed rules, predictive analytics, and real-time learning. The digital worker continuously optimizes tasks by offering intelligent recommendations, learning from every interaction to enhance future performance.
Seeing isn't just extracting of the data. It's extracting and reading. It's extracting and understanding.
The Vision Engine brings advanced AI vision to the workplace. Capable of interpreting screens, documents, and reports, it uses computer vision and AI-driven data analysis to transform visual inputs into actionable insights. Whether scanning invoices, identifying patterns in financial reports, or interpreting construction blueprints, the Vision Engine streamlines processes, reducing manual input and human error.
Contextualize + Learn
The Briq Graph serves as the foundation of Briq's platform, providing an ontology that unifies all objects under one common language. This ontology creates a structured framework where every element—whether financial data, project details, or workflow components—is interconnected, enabling seamless communication and automation across the system. By powering everything through this shared language, the Briq Graph ensures consistency, accuracy, and ease of use, allowing digital workers to operate more intelligently and efficiently. This common language facilitates smooth integration between systems and processes, driving better decision-making and enabling comprehensive automation across the construction lifecycle.
The Interaction Engine, powered by advanced Large Language Models (LLMs), excels at text-based communication, enabling seamless, human-like conversations in workflow automation. Whether through chat interfaces or embedded systems, the digital worker processes written input with precision and understanding, instantly ready to act. While voice interaction is in development, text commands already bring this intelligence to life. Paired with this is the Response Engine, which delivers real-time, context-aware replies that go beyond simple answers to foster meaningful dialogue. The digital worker's LLM-driven responses are nuanced, accurate, and tailored to business needs, automating communications in a way that feels both efficient and human.
Use Instinct
By understanding and interpreting multiple signals, this passive knowledge, over time, will give the digital worker an instinct.
The Instinctual Engine introduces a groundbreaking layer of emotional intelligence, making the digital worker not just smart, but emotionally aware. Powered by advanced LLMs, this engine enables human-like instincts, including empathy, tone recognition, and behavioral prediction. Whether understanding the emotional context of a client's message or preempting project team needs, the digital worker's emotional intelligence elevates interactions to a new level.
Take action
The ability to take action lies in the Action Engine. Designed with Large Action Model (LAM) technology, the Action Engine doesn't just respond to commands—it executes them. From triggering workflows and automating routine tasks to integrating across systems and managing backend processes, this engine turns decisions into action with lightning speed. It orchestrates a seamless flow between decision-making and execution, automating the heavy lifting across operations while getting smarter with every interaction.