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How to use AI assistants in your construction workflows

30 mins
April 24, 2024
11:00 AM PST/2 PM EST

Every construction company should be considering how to deploy AI in their businesses today. But where do you start?

One of the most exciting aspects of the AI revolution is the ability to create digital workers. These digital workers aren’t actual humans, rather they are friendly bots that live in the cloud and are trained to run very specific construction workflows. They can take an estimate and turn it into a budget, they can process job cost, and even build complicated financial models.

In this webinar, learn how these AI assistants work, see them in action, and learn how other contractors are using them to run more efficient, streamlined businesses. 



Bassem Hamdy

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Ellis Talton

VP, New Market Strategies

What you'll learn

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