Stahl saves nearly 30 hours a month with Briq’s digital workers

Stahl CFO Susan Joos automated her team’s most manual payroll paperwork to digital workers.
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Since its founding in 1981, Stahl Construction has grown into a mid-size firm, offering a full range of services including professional consulting, development, general contracting, and construction management.


“I'm the CFO of the company and I was saving down files, signing them, saving them again and emailing them. That is not the best use of my time.”

Susan Joos, CFO

As the company grew, administrative tasks began consuming a lot of time. Certified payroll alone took Stahl's CFO, Susan Joos, 6 hours per project, totaling about 30 hours a month. Meanwhile, compliance, insurance, and subcontractor paperwork slowed down other teams, with tasks like insurance checks and compliance verifications taking too long.


“You don't have to do the mundane work. You can call the sub and say, hey. Get your stuff in or you don't get paid, or your insurance certificate isn't meeting our standards. So it takes all the small stuff away, lets them handle the exceptions, the problems, and, you know, kinda raises up their responsibilities.”

Susan Joos

After evaluating its needs, Stahl implemented a customized bot solution to automate several critical, yet mundane, processes. The automation system was trained on the sending, receiving, and verifying of subcontractor insurance certificates, flagging exceptions and non-compliance for human review. 

Another solution they implemented was for safety and compliance. Briq automatically sends out compliance questionnaires and follow-up reminders to subcontractors, ensuring timely responses and minimizing back-and-forth delays.

“So not only has it given me my weekend back, but it's also let me do the things that I'm supposed to be doing, you know, more financial forecasting and financial statements and things.”
Susan Joos


“Honestly, the bot did a better job. I would forget to sign. I would, you know, I would make a mistake in the labeling, and the bot doesn't once it's trained, it doesn't make those mistakes.”

Susan Joos

Since implementing the automation solution, Stahl has seen measurable improvements in efficiency, compliance, and bid success. The CFO can now dedicate more time to strategic financial planning, while the AP and compliance teams are free from repetitive administrative work.

Compliance checks and follow-ups are now automated and have enhanced the company’s ability to enforce subcontractor safety and compliance, reducing the risk of project delays and ensuring that subcontractors are held accountable.

By automatically identifying and reaching out to minority and small-business subcontractors, the company is now more competitive in the public contract bidding process, a critical area where they previously lost points.

For Stahl, automation isn’t just about saving time — it’s about raising the bar for operational efficiency and strategic growth.


Project management: Procore

ERP: Vista Viewpoint

Certified Payroll: LCPTracker

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