Artificial intelligence in construction

Artificial intelligence is set to become a dynamic and  transformative force, reshaping the way financial processes are executed  within the construction industry. With remarkable abilities in data analysis  and automation, AI has the potential to optimize financial operations,  enhance accuracy, and drive profitability.


Automation uses algorithms and intelligent systems, like  robotic process automation (RPA), to perform tasks and processes with minimal human intervention. It involves automating labor-intensive or repetitive tasks, allowing for increased efficiency and productivity. Through the use of automation, AI systems can streamline workflows, optimize resource allocation, and reduce errors.


Generative AI leverages deep learning techniques to  generate new text, images, or other forms of media. Generative AI models learn from existing data to produce new outputs that mimic human-like  creativity.


Predictive AI uses algorithms and statistical models to analyze data and make predictions or decisions based on that analysis. The goal is to use historical data to predict future outcomes or behaviors. Some examples of predictive AI include recommendation systems, fraud detection systems, and predictive maintenance systems.

How can AI be used in construction?

Construction companies can improve efficiency,  accuracy, and transparency in their financial operations by implementing the right tools, leading to reduced manual efforts, better business planning, and better profits.

AI empowers construction companies to enhance data management specifically in their financial processes and throughout the money workflow. By leveraging AI algorithms, companies can collect, analyze, and leverage vast amounts of financial data more effectively. Through integration with various systems and applications, AI can monitor and track financial transactions, expenses, invoices, and budget allocations in real-time. This data-driven approach enables better financial visibility, analysis, and decision-making for improved back office operations.
AI-powered automation streamlines and accelerates financial processes. For example, AI algorithms can automate tasks such as invoice processing, expense management, and financial reconciliation, reducing manual effort and increasing efficiency. By leveraging machine learning and generative technology, AI can extract and process relevant information from financial documents, improving accuracy and reducing the risk of errors. This automation of routine financial tasks helps to streamline workflows and optimize resource allocation, resulting in a faster and more reliable money workflow.
AI is set to play a crucial role in providing accurate  financial analysis for construction companies. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, AI can analyze historical financial data, market trends, and external factors to generate more precise financial forecasts, cost  projections, and budget estimations. This enables better financial planning, risk management, and decision-making for construction projects. AI also provides real-time insights into financial performance, allowing companies to identify potential bottlenecks or areas for improvement in the money workflow.
AI can help construction companies ensure compliance with  financial regulations and mitigate risks in the back office processes. By  utilizing AI algorithms for data analysis and pattern recognition, companies  can identify anomalies, fraudulent activities, and potential compliance  issues in financial transactions. AI can also automate regulatory reporting  and assist in the adherence to financial standards and policies, reducing the  risk of non-compliance and associated penalties. This proactive approach to compliance  and risk management contributes to a smoother money workflow and enhanced  financial stability.
AI-driven technologies streamline financial workflows by  optimizing the sequencing of tasks, improving process efficiency, and  reducing delays. AI algorithms can automate approval workflows, routing  financial documents to the relevant stakeholders for review and  decision-making. Through intelligent task management and prioritization, AI  helps to streamline financial processes, ensuring timely approvals, payments,  and fund allocations. This results in a more efficient money workflow,  minimizing bottlenecks and improving overall financial operations.
AI can automate routine administrative tasks, such as  document management, contract analysis, and invoice processing. Natural  language processing algorithms can extract relevant information from  contracts, legal documents, and invoices, reducing manual effort and  increasing accuracy. This automation frees up time for construction  professionals to focus on more high-value activities.

Challenges with AI adoption in construction

Data quality and availability

In the construction industry, data can be fragmented,  incomplete, or inconsistent across various sources. It is a common issue that  data collection processes are not standardized, making it difficult to  aggregate and analyze data effectively. Ensuring data quality and establishing robust data collection mechanisms are essential for successful  implementation of AI in construction.

Integration and compatibility

Construction projects involve multiple stakeholders, each using different software platforms, tools, and data formats. AI solutions  need to seamlessly integrate with these existing systems to maximize their  effectiveness. Compatibility issues, data interoperability, and the need for  system upgrades or modifications can create technical complexities and  increase implementation costs. Addressing these integration challenges  requires careful planning, collaboration between stakeholders, and potentially developing industry standards to facilitate AI adoption in  construction.

Trust, acceptance, and workforce transition

There may be concerns about job displacement or skepticism regarding the reliability and accuracy of AI-driven  decision-making. Building trust and promoting acceptance of AI solutions  require effective communication, training programs, and demonstrating tangible benefits to construction teams. Additionally, transitioning the  workforce to work alongside AI systems may require upskilling or reskilling  programs to ensure employees can effectively collaborate with AI technologies  and leverage their capabilities.

What are the 7 things the construction industry needs to know about AI?

Watch our webinar to find out.

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Key applications of AI in construction finance

With Briq you can expect predictable profits, reduced workload and accurate data for well-informed business decisions.

Building accurate cost and budget estimations is hugely  important in construction projects. By analyzing historical project data,  material prices, labor costs, and other relevant factors, AI algorithms can  generate more accurate cost estimates, allowing you to forecast and plan with  more confidence. This aids in creating more precise project budgets and  reducing the likelihood of cost overruns. AI can also optimize budget  allocation by suggesting cost-saving measures, identifying areas where  resources can be allocated more efficiently, and recommending alternative  suppliers or materials that offer better value for money.
AI can play a vital role in risk assessment and fraud  detection in construction finance. By utilizing predictive analytics, AI  algorithms can analyze historical financial data, market trends, and  project-specific information to identify potential risks and forecast  financial outcomes. This helps financial professionals make informed  decisions and implement risk mitigation strategies. AI can also detect  anomalies and patterns indicative of fraudulent activities, such as invoice  fraud or unauthorized transactions, enabling early detection and prevention  of financial fraud.
Building accurate cost and budget estimations is hugely  important in construction projects. By analyzing historical project data,  material prices, labor costs, and other relevant factors, AI algorithms can  generate more accurate cost estimates, allowing you to forecast and plan with  more confidence. This aids in creating more precise project budgets and  reducing the likelihood of cost overruns. AI can also optimize budget  allocation by suggesting cost-saving measures, identifying areas where  resources can be allocated more efficiently, and recommending alternative  suppliers or materials that offer better value for money.

Future-proof your construction business with AI

AI for the back office is here, it’s called Briq, and it’s time to check it out.Talk with our team to learn more
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